28 Mar


I strongly believe that aliens landed in north-western Botswana more the 50 000 years ago .If that were true this site would be the oldest alien sighting spot in recorded history .Many conspiracy theorists speculate and throw around numbers such a 100 million years when referencing alien arrival dates in Antarctica or 12 thousand years when trying to map the date of the arrival of the Annunaki but it’s all a guess. They really don’t know.

These hills are all the evidence I need, they are marked with red pigment paintings and offerings of many kind from the indigenous san bushmen/women dated to 70 000 BC. Confusing?Ask yourself this question, offerings to who?Well I can easily answer that one for you, the gods. Many believe these gods to be imaginary but thats false, even the Basarwa don’t believe these gods to be spiritual. We believe that because if we didn’t it would disqualify our own belief in a one and true god.Carbon dating puts the first painting at 70 000 BC ,so this means the first painting with the lore behind its purpose marked the arrival of the gods who took refuge here around that same time period. The Basarwa weren’t a bored people, they had things to do, and why would they all of a sudden make up false gods and start painting for no apparent reason?. Well that’s because the gods were real, they were spacemen from another galaxy .(Watch aliens in tsodilo here https://bit.ly/47hPMBl)

The machines they supposedly landed with (Egg like spacecraft) give compelling evidence of alien visitation, they were clearly millions of years ahead of us in technological evolution.If what I am proposing is true, this arrival of spacemen on the African savannah will predate the landing of the Annunaki (Probably the same ET’s)Ancient Egyptians credit gods like Ra,Isis and Osiris as the first alien beings to start Egyptian civilization but if you add these years all the way to their arrival it perfectly matches with the  arrival date of the Annunaki and still far from the recorded landing of the spacemen in Tsodilo which 50 000 years before the landing of the Egyptian/Annunaki gods.

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