OK its quite simple to be honest with you.
Before you start open a CryptoTab account here: https://cryptotabbrowser.com/43683117
Step 1 : You need mining software to carry out the hash functions which will yield you some BTC.
WARNING: Disable your antivirus for now until you are done with the install.
GET THE SOFTWARE HERE: https://cryptotab.farm/43683117 (scroll down on the destination page and select the windows or Apple Os package)The .exe file is now in your downloads folder.(image example below)
Step 2: Install one of the two files . Any is okay. Step 3:After the installation, open the CTfarm app(you can search it if you are not sure of its destination).You will see this popup window
Step 4: Adjust the CPU threads in use to 3. This increases you earnings.
Step 5: Enable Remote Control and Auto star mining .
Step 6 : Click on the QR code section and scan the Qr code. This will take you to a page on which you PC will be added to you mining account.
You are done...
Enjoy mining.