28 Mar


So if aliens did in fact come to earth thousands of years ago, what were they looking for? No advanced alien species would journey light years across the galaxy for a picnic. In my previous article I wrote about my warning hypothesis in which I propose that aliens warned us about future events by leaving codes inside religious text but is there an even more crazier reason than that, perhaps there is!

 Ancient monuments.

All over the world we have ancient monuments in the form of temples, pyramids, stone carvings and platforms. What if the structures serve a purpose yet to be discovered .What if they house advanced alien tech like talismans, devices that can help save mankind from extinction.

What kind of talismans?

Global warming is real but I must admit, this one does not quite make sense because the warming of the planet is due to human activity that has been taking place for the last 100 years and these monuments were erected long before mankind can drill for fossil fuels .

So I will have to go with the most obvious and that is the universal mass extinction event, an asteroid impact. Without a doubt many civilizations have risen and fallen throughout the cosmos and many have fallen due to nuclear annihilation and/or asteroid impact .It has happened before in our own planet 60 million years ago with the extinction of the dinosaurs. Aliens knew this  thousands of years ago and they wanted to prevent the extinction  of a global species .

A talisman is just a fancy way of saying a special object or device .It could very well be that ET’s placed many talismans inside the world’s oldest monuments. Think of a large spacecraft capable of travelling at light speeds being stripped into hundreds of pieces then safely hiding those components inside these stone structures.

We now know of a hidden cavity inside the great pyramid at Giza and of the many rooms still unexplored inside the Pyramid of the sun in Mexico, not to mention the so called hall of records beneath the Great Sphinx. There is even a pyramid in the ruins of Palenque which houses a stone slab with a carving resembling a man flying on a rocket ship. What if that is a smoking gun, to show mankind the true purpose of these structures, which is to leave planet earth and populate the cosmos with the help of talismans buried inside the world’s most ancient sites.

Sooner or later humanity is going to journey to the cosmos and live there .How disappointing wouldl it be when we meet our alien friends who came to earth millions of years ago and find out that they left a fully working spaceship scattered all over our planet only for us to focus on bones and useless history.At this point our fellow brothers and sister on earth would be wiped out thanks to an asteroid strike shortly after the departure of the galactic travellers. They could have been saved if we had found the talismans on time. Damn!

We are a complicated species, let’s hope the ET’s knew that and somehow they did their math and knew when we would discover these talismans, probably before it was too late.

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