28 Mar

The book of revelations is one of the most widely read books in the Judeo Christian bible. This is probably due to the facts that book is filled with prophecy about the so called end times .From  natural disasters to human misconduct and economic crisis .All of this could make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up ,but the most enlightening of all the good prophecies is the so called second coming of the messiah, to Christians this would mean Jesus Christ and to the Jews, well just the messiah.

In my opinion Jesus Christ was just a mortal soul like all of us, a humble and noble man of his time whose mind got corrupted with hate for authority and government. Over the course of two millennia his life  story got misconstrued with many other events which took place before, during and after his time for example the many Ufo sightings which were perceived to be the arrival of gods and angels.He propably knew of their existence. 

The book of revelations does talk about the second coming of flash and blood creature but is it pointing to a human being or the creatures that piloted the ufo’s witnessed in many parts of the old testament, like in the book of Ezekiel, Elijah’s chariot and the arrival of God(aliens) on mount Sinai. It is very likely the scribes got a lot of the events mixed up. Surely no mortal man like Jesus could ascend into heaven without a flying machine.I believe the whole book of revelation is based on a foretelling of future events recorded throughout history by many scribes .It’s my belief that the original scrolls with these details were written down by those with first contacts to the ET’s. They were warning humans about the coming atrocities, natural disasters, economic crisis, moral greed and most importantly their second coming.

Many believe that ET’s have already returned, some say that they never really  left but regardless of who is right and who is wrong the second coming of these aliens will be a sight to behold it won’t be a shared black and white or negative video on the New york times front page but a real meet and greet of global proportions unlike anything we can imagine.

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